After years being an Argentine restaurant reference in in the Catalan capital, El Foro incorporates Catalan chef Hug Pla Cortés into its team, a specialist in paellas for more than 20 years and winner of the Time Out award for best dish in Barcelona 2016 for their smoked paella. An innovative concept that has given a twist to this typical and traditional dish. He has not only been the creator of the dish but also the inventor of the Vulkan smokers.
You will find Vulka rice with mushrooms and vegetables (vegan paella), with seafood and with scallops and cod. Finally, we decided to create a fusion of concepts, uniting the chef’s knowledge of rice dishes with our meat background, what we would call El Foro’s Vulkano rice, a smoked meat paella made with veal gizzards and skirt. In addition, you can enjoy a classic paella near the Parc de la Ciutadella.